A friend said this book is awesome. She even lent me this book in order to 'insist' me reading it. After finishing the book, I guess I need to give big thanks to my friend since this book is totally amazing.
This is a debut novel written beautifully by Erick Setiawan, an Indonesian author who moved to USA at the age of 16. The novel actually tells about family, love, hatred, and all. But the author will astonish all of the readers by the way he wrote his story. It's not ordinary story. It's unique due to the rich atmosphere created by the author. The setting is unknown, we only have description that it is a mythical town where spirits and spells, withcraft and demons, and prophets and clairvoyance are an everyday reality.
You will feel that you are taken to a magical journey. You will enjoy a fantasy that is mixed with reality. All symbols and metaphors in the book even enriches the story. No wonder if the book has been shortlisted for many awards and translated in many languages.
Usually I don't enjoy a fantasy story, but tell you what this one is different. I really enjoy every page of it.
Thanks to Gagas Media that already translated this book in bahasa. The translation is quite good, I enjoyed it and even sometimes I forgot that this book is originally in english. A must read.
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