Bookworms are everywhere. I got this great book from one of my cyber friend, Ferina. We know each other through blogging and finally we exchanged our books collection. I lent her Bonsai and In A Strange Room and in return I got Water for Elephants and Room. Thanks for the books, Fer :)
I have read many positive comments about Water for Elephants, in fact it's already been translated into 44 languages and also has been adapted into a movie. The novel tells about circus. Novels with circus theme are not so many. If I went back to my elementary period, back to 80s, I remember one of children book with circus theme, it was Sirkus Pak Galliano written by Enid Blyton.
If Sirkus Pak Galliano seems so fun. Even at that time I myself dreamed to join a circus. But Sara Gruen, the author of Water for Elephants tells circus from a different point of view. The main character here is a veterinary student, Jacob Jankowski, who can't continue his study and fail to take his final exam due to his parents death and debts .
Destiny takes him to a traveling circus. His adventure begins in a circus group back in 1930s as a circus vet. The story is told back and forth, from Jacob as a 90-or-93-year-old-guy in a nursing home and Jacob as a 20-something-guy who joins a circus group. The author detail research makes this novel a great one. The author can describe the ups and downs in a circus group vividly. The story seems so real. It will linger in your mind for days. A very recommended novel. Already translated by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama on September 2010. Good translation as always but my critic is on the front cover, why is it so dark? I guess circus supposed to be associated with bright colour, don't you think so?
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