Choosing children story books are not an easy thing to do. There are certain things to note, such as: the illustration, the content and also the way the authors tell their story. Sometimes I find a book with beautiful illustration but the story is not too interesting for children or the other way around.
Until one day, a friend suggested me to buy Dongeng 7 Menit series written by a popular author, Clara Ng. The series consist of 7 books. I bought one book, checked the content and the illustration and at last showed it to my girls, Najla and Zea. Fortunately they love it. I am sure most of children will love these series since they're written down with interesting stories and colorful illustration. Clara Ng tried to modify our traditional stories e.g. Si Kancil, Wayang, Dewi Sri, etc, with current condition and I guess she did an excellent job.
Yesterday I went to Gramedia Grandy, enjoyed a 30% discount and bought the other 5 books of the series. My girls were super happy. Busy with their new story books. They did have a great time. It's just a perfect year end gift.
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