Buku Dunia Sophie - ulasan

Wow!...wow!.. Dua kata itulah yang tampaknya paling tepat untuk mendeskripsikan buku karya Jostein Gaarder ini. Sudah sejak lama aku mencari-cari...

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Judul : In Search of Memory – The Emergence of a New Science of MindPengarang : Eric R. KandelPenerbit : Norton, NYTahun : 2007 (Cet.1 th 2006)Tebal...

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Buku Has Science Found God? - ulasan

Judul : Has Science Found God? The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the UniversePengarang : Victor J. StengerPenerbit : Prometheus...

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Buku Mini Shopaholic - ulasan

New year's atmosphere has already come. It's here. I feel it. But, instead of doing some reflection or preparing a new year resolution, I enjoy...

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New years coming.. and i want to celebrate it by hosting a givaway. This time, i will give this book FOR FREE.And here the description of the...

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Buku More Book Challenges For 2011! - ulasan

Menjelang pergantian tahun, tak seperti teman-teman lainnya, aku tak bisa menampilkan daftar bacaanku selama tahun 2010 ini, karena memang tak...

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Buku Wisata ke Kota Nabi - ulasan

Judul Buku: Ketika Nabi Saw. di KotaPenulis: Nizar AbazhahPenerbit: ZamanCetakan: Pertama, 2010Tebal: 603 HalamanMuhammad Saw. merupakan sosok...

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Judul : Arus Baru Islam Radikal – Transmisi Revivalisme Islam Timur Tengah ke IndonesiaPengarang : M. Imdadun RahmatPenerbit : ErlanggaTahun...

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Buku Yang paling disuka di 2010 - ulasan

via prettybooksSesuai 'tradisi', dari 72 + 1 buku yang gue baca di 2010, ini nih, yang jadi favorit gue. 'Cuma' 10, lebih sedikit dibanding...

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Buku Quote of the Day - ulasan

We must never stop dreamingDreams provide nourishment for the soulJust as a meal does for the body(The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho)...

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Buku 2011-book list - ulasan

I would like to make a 2010 book list, since i were active at goodreads.com since April 2010, so i could only filed my book from April and then....

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Judul : Over the Edge of the World - Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the GlobePengarang : Laurence VergreenPenerbit : Harper PerrenialTahun...

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Buku Detektif Ekonomi: Kisah Tersembunyi di Balik Harga Produk, Pasar Saham, Perdagangan Bebas, dan Ekonomi Sehari-hari - ulasan

Detektif Ekonomi: Kisah Tersembunyi di Balik Harga Produk, Pasar Saham, Perdagangan Bebas, dan Ekonomi Sehari-hari by Tim HarfordMy rating:...

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Buku bookchallenge for 2011 - ulasan

New year is coming, and i only cry for my pile of my neglected book, plus for my challenge that seems never end for me. Its look like im never...

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Buku The Hunger Games - ulasan

Sebuah novel suspense yang baik adalah novel yang membuat pembacanya takkan mampu berhenti membaca sebelum menyelesaikan halaman terakhirnya....

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Buku The Wind-up Bird Chronicle - ulasan

Wrapping up this end of year with one of the best of Haruki Murakami's works. This is the last Murakami's book in my bookshelf *sigh*. I guess...

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Buku The Wedding Games - ulasan

The Wedding GamesFanny Hartanti @ 2010GPU - Desember 2010240 Hal.Harusnya nih, Dion Dirgantara bangga memiliki istri seperti Dania Kartanegara....

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Buku Ikutan Book Challenge + Giveaway Yuk! - ulasan

Tak terasa akhir tahun sudah mendekat. Dan berapa buah buku yang sudah anda lahap sepanjang tahun ini? Aku sendiri sudah tak mampu (baca: tak...

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Buku December Books - ulasan

Wooohooo...new year is coming to town. It's time to list down my favorite books in 2010. While arranging the books list I bumped into tons...

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Buku Si Cantik Dari Notre Dame - ulasan

Entah mengapa buku ini harus diberi judul Si Cantik dari Notre Dame, bukannya Si Bungkuk dari Notre Dame sesuai judul buku aslinya karangan...

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Shit Happens (gue yang ogah kawin, kok elo yang rese?) - Christian Simamora & Windy Ariestanty

Shit Happens, gue yang ogah kawin, kok elo yang rese?Christian Simamora dan Windy AriestantyGagasMediaJakarta2011290 halamanBahasaSemacam Novel...

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Buku Mengebor Misteri Lobi Israel - ulasan

Judul Buku    : Dahsyatnya Lobi IsraelPenulis          : John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. WaltPenerjemah ...

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Buku Tintin Character Book: Kapten Haddock - ulasan

Sejuta topan badai!...Kutu busuk!... Maaf, aku tak hendak memaki-maki anda... Hanya ingin mengingatkan anda pada sebuah sosok istimewa yang...

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Buku Dongeng 7 Menit - ulasan

Choosing children story books are not an easy thing to do. There are certain things to note, such as: the illustration, the content and also...

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Buku Catatan Kompleksitas Soe Hok-Gie - ulasan

Judul: Soe Hok-Gie..Sekali LagiPenulis : Rudy Badil, dkkPenerbit: Kepustakaan Populer GramediaTebal : xxxix + 512 HalamanTahun : Desember 2009Soe...

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