Thank you for mbak Yana who already gave me this Stylish Blogger Award. I am really honoured. As I agree to receive the award means I need to follow 4 instructions which are: (1) saying thanks to the award giver, (2) telling 7 things about the award recipient, (3) forwarding the award to other bloggers and (4) lastly informing the award recipients about this Stylish Blogger Award.
Okay now, let's start with 7 things about me:
1. I am actually a well planned person.
But this characteristic was suddenly disappear when 10 years a go I met a guy (my hubby now) who was soooo brave and asked me to marry him when we only knew each other for 2 weeks. The craziest part was when I said 'yes, I do' and thank God we've been married for 9 years now. Well...I guess it's simply love.
2. Kids Change Everything
I used to think that becoming a career woman was my everything. I couldn't imagine myself without my office job. But I at the moment I was given birth to Najla then Zea, I changed my mind easily. Nothing more important than being around them day and night.
3. I Adore Friendship
I might be not have too many friends but I have several super best friends. I even have a 31-year-old friendship. Yes, they are my friends since we were at elementary school. We still keep in touch until now. It's always nice to talk with them since we have been known each other since we were kids :)
4. I am A Book Freak
I felt in love with books even when I still couldn't read. Up until now my love for books is getting more and more. Along with my age, the books genre also changes. No more detective or romance stories, I prefer a story with something to learn. Stories that linger for days.
5. I am Crazy about Yoga
I am definitely not a sport person but since I join yoga 2,5 years a go, I feel that it is the most suitable sport for me. I love all about it particularly after I did yoga practice in Ubud last week, my love for yoga is going deeper.
6. I Love Eating but I Don't Cook
Honestly I am not good in the kitchen unless for gobbling up all the food there. Although I have been married for 9 years, my cooking ability is still very limited. Shame on me. The urge to have cooking course is there but the realization is still postponed until ...ehm...I don't know yet :(
7. I Have A Big Dream
I dream of having a very wide land where I can build a cozy library that opens for public, a bookshop, a yoga studio, a salon for hair and beauty treatment and completed with a comfortable coffee shop. A quite big dream. Just wish me luck!
Now it's time to forward this award to below bloggers:
1. Icha (www.hujandiatasmeja.blogspot.com)
2. Ferina (www.justanotherstories.blogspot.com)
3. Kiky (www. ceritasikiky.wordpress.com)
4. Perez (www.mipequenosanctuario.blogspot.com)
5. Ratih (www.cintaratih.blogspot.com)
Hope all of you enjoy the award as much as I do :))
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