Buku Sleeping Beauty - ulasan | Buku Bagus

Buku Sleeping Beauty - ulasan

  • Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
  • Katagori : , , , , , ,

  • My girls always associate their daddy with a car. So every time their daddy is around, they will be busy asking questions, e.g. "where are we going today, Ayah?" This kind of question usually makes my hubby speechless and finally asks the girls to get into the car, drive it and decide the destination at the last minute. Good job, girls:)

    The girls enjoy the journey very much. They will be busy playing around in the car, shouting here and there. Fighting now and then. The closing moment will be they will get sleepy and finally fall asleep.

    Just like the pictures above. Look at Zea's sleepy face (1st pic). Ouch.. she could not stand it and at last fall asleep (2nd pic). Her elder sister, Najla, joined her and thought Zea's body is a pillow (last pic). Well...sweet dreams, baby.


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