Does the above serial ring a bell? In the old days, we called it Tini serial. A children book with very beautiful illustration created by Gilbert Delahaye and Marcel Marlier. This serial is my all time favorite book.
A few weeks a go when I browsed around Gramedia bookstore to find new story books for Najla, I came across this serial. I thought the content of the book was similar with the old Tini serial. Without thinking much, I directly bought 4 books. I saw there're already 10 books for this serial.
At home, with great excitement I introduced Najla with this serial, well...actually I also wanted to ask Zea to join us but unfortunately she's a bit busy with her lapis legit...:)
While we were discussing the book together, I just found out that the book was different from the old serial. Not only the title is different, now it's called Tina. But also the content. It seems that the new Tina is just a compilation from former Tini serial. Therefore it's stated on the front cover of the book 'Based on the album by Gilbert Delahaye and Marcel Marlier'. This Tina serial now is translated and published by PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer (Gramedia Group). I still prefer the old Tini since the story is more complete. But looking at Najla's enthusiasm, I guess this book is good enough. Moreover it's completed by 40 stickers, so beside reading the story, the children will be busy sticking the stickers in the book.
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