Buku Oh My Goodness! Buku Pintar Seorang Creative Junkies - ulasan | Buku Bagus

Buku Oh My Goodness! Buku Pintar Seorang Creative Junkies - ulasan

  • Kamis, 29 September 2011
  • Katagori : , , , , ,

  • Berpikir boleh 'out of the box'
    tapi yang dipilih untuk dieksekusi harus yang 'inside the box'
    seperti Harry Houdini yang selalu berhasil cari jalan keluar dari box dalam keadaan terikat

    A friend gave me this book as a present for my on-line shop launching. It' s a story about a very creative man, Yoris Sebastian. He's a young creative entrepreneur. At the age of 26, he became the youngest General Manager of Hard Rock Cafe in Asia (the second youngest GM in the world). A very inspiring book. I feel that this book is specially dedicated to me since it's perfectly fit with my condition now.

    Yoris believes that creativity is not Intelligence Quotient (IQ). If IQ is genetic and can't be changed, it's different with creativity. Creativity is a habit. A skill that can be developed. This book gives simple and practical tips from Yoris on how to become a creative person.

    Everybody can be a creative junkie. How? According to Yoris, start now, every big step starts with an inch. Enrich your knowledge since knowledge makes you powerful. Avoid MeeTooism. Be different. Be yourself and shine on your own way.

    Also important is to create your creative habitat. Find a place with creative people and surrounding. This condition will lead you to become one of them, a creative person. Don't stay in your comfortable zone too long, you will enjoy it too much, no more challenges, and lose your creative habit.

    A very important book. I recommend this book to many of my friends since it gives many good inputs to me. I just feel that leaving my 14 years career is the best decision that I'd ever made. I'm already on the right track. There are tons things to do. I just need to move on and be persistence.

    Last but not least, I really appreciate this great present. Thanks buddy, suddenly I want us to visit one of our favorite venue, eating our Roti Canai, sipping our teh tarik and discuss this book all day long. Sounds great, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's on me :)


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