The Dalai Lama Little Book Of Wisdom
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
400 halaman
Hard Cover
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
400 halaman
Hard Cover
‘ With the realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world’
The Dalai Lama Little Book Of Wisdom adalah salah satu bacaan favorit saya. Karena itulah, walaupun sudah lama sekali membaca buku ini, saya ingin sekali menceritakan buku ini di sini.
Sesuai dengan judulnya, buku ini berukuran juga relatif kecil bila dibandingkan dengan buku lain di rak buku saya. Tetapi walau pun kecil sarat sekali dengan pemikiran yang besar. Kecil-kecil cabe rawit.
‘ It must be said that genuine compassion is not like pity or a feeling that others are somehow lower than you. Rather, with genuine compassion you view others as more important than yourself ‘
Terdiri dari sepuluh chapter, yaitu; contentment, joy and living well; facing death and dying; dealing with anger and emotion; giving and receiving; transforming the mind; transforming through altruism; transformation through insight; eight verses of transforming the mind; compassion-the basis for human happiness; dan chapter terakhir, questions and answer.
‘ when we go to hospital, irrespective of the doctor’s quality, if the doctor shows genuine feeling and deep concern for us, and if he or she smiles, then we feel OK. But if the doctor shows little human affection, then even though he or she may be a very great expert, we may feel unsure and nervous. This is human nature’
Chapter kesukaan saya adalah chapter sembilan, apalagi kalau bukan compassion-the basis for human happiness.
Setiap halaman berisi tema yang berbeda-beda, kadang berisikan kalimat panjang, kadang pendek. Kehidupan, kebahagiaan hidup, kematian, kemanusiaan, kemarahan, keikhlasan semua dibahas secara singkat, mengena dan dalam. Bahkan seulas senyum pun mempunyai arti yang mendalam bagi Sang Dalai Lama ini.
‘ The smile is a very important feature of the human face. But because of human intelligence, even that good part of human nature can be used in the wrong way, such as sarcastic smiles or diplomatic smiles, which only serve to create suspicion. I feel that a genuine, affectionate smile is very important in our day-to-day lives. How one creates that smile largely depends on one’s attitude. It is illogical to expect smiles from others if one does not smile oneself. Therefore, one can see that many things depend on one’s own behaviour’
Membaca buku ini tidak pernah bosan, bahkan membaca halaman yang sama berkali-kali juga tidak akan bosan. Karena setiap kali membaca di waktu yang berbeda walau di halaman yang sama, makna yang bisa kita ambil pun bisa berbeda-beda, ajaib kan?!
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